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Category: Uncategorized

A New Old Resolution

“You are going to feel like hell if you never write the stuff that is tugging on the sleeves of your heart — your stories, visions, memories, visions and songs. Your truth, your version of things, your own voice. That is really all you have to offer us. And that’s also why you were born.”
Anne Lamott

I have been blogging for 12-15 years and at various times I have been afflicted with what I have called “blog slog”. That has been my state for the past few months. Actually, like the quote from Anne Lamott predicts: I’ve been feeling like hell and I am resolved to “write the stuff that is tugging on the sleeves of my heart — my stories, visions, memories, visions and songs. M truth, my version of things, my own voice.”

I realize this is ambitious and will require some intentionality. Fortunately, our two month hiatus to Florida provides a perfect opportunity to get my rhythm back.

Blogging has become a digital dinosaur of sorts. Podcasts have emerged as the next best digital communication, along with Utube and other video media. Of 70 +/- blog links on my feed, there are only a dozen or so currently active. Oh well, what would would one expect from a 76 year old dinosaur? I suppose blogging is my equivalence of a flip phone.

In any case, the journey joyfully continues.

Nick Names

Today while looking at old files on my computer I came across one entitled: Nick Names in Obituaries. For whatever reason, over a decade ago, I recorded nick names from obituaries for a brief time. Here is the list:

“Third Edition”
“Jo Jo”

Knowing that a nick name may follow someone to their grave, you might want to reconsider what nick name you give them.