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Category: Quarantine Reflections

Quarantine Reflections “… an opportune time…”

Nearing two months of quarantine and social distancing, I’m restrained from complaint by privileged circumstances. Comfortably insulated from job loss, financial pressures, and toilet paper shortage. I enjoy yard work and wood shop time. There are video meetings with family, friends, Sunday worship, bible study group. There are occasional front porch meetings (with proper social distancing). Reading and writing fills the gaps and my to-do-list never gets completed. A loving wife completes this “desert island” experience.

Despite all that, quarantine is is taking its toll. Nothing dramatic, more like a nagging, dull headache. Perhaps I should describe my state as unsettled. As I become increasingly aware of of dire, even desperate, circumstances near and far, there is sadness mixed with a twinge of guilt. Maybe I’m experiencing survivor guilt, although prematurely.

A significant contributor to my unsettledness, is increasingly unhealthy rhetoric.
(unhealthy rhetoric : speech which seres no useful purpose. OK, I understand everyone considers their rhetoric helpful, even essential)
Unhealthy rhetoric has been rampant, but the pandemic has thrown fuel on the fire.
I feel like I’m at an office Christmas party where people get smashed, do and say all kinds of things which, at the least, they will be ashamed of when they sober up, or, at worst, get them fired. I’ve learned some surprising things that will not be easily forgotten.

Most troubling are Christian responses to the pandemic and related social restrictions. The range of responses is broad, revealing theological differences or more precisely, our theodicy. Varied responses are no surprise, as evidenced by the historical disunity of Christianity. I welcome the challenge of a sincere struggle with WHY. Asking “why” exposes glib answer’s and confirms we are not in control.

Unlike the psalmist, who lamented “Why, Lord, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”, rare is the voice of lament among Christian responses. We are a people unfamiliar with lament, clothed with a mantle of celebration and triumph, silenced in the face of the inexplicable injustice of this pandemic.

This is an opportune time. A wilderness experience that leaves us vulnerable in ways we could never imagined. A time that will reveal truths about ourselves otherwise concealed by illusions of self-sufficiency, independence, and infallibility. For my privileged self, most likely my wildness will be more like a spoiled vacation. None the less, it is an opportunity, an inflection , as one writer describes it, “It can either accelerate and exacerbate the [cultural/spiritual] breakdown we’ve been observing, or it can provide an opportunity for in-depth positive change.”

I recently read a story quoted from The Brothers Karamazov. I have adapted it to our COVID-19 circumstances. Perhaps it can nudge us toward in-depth, positive change.

“I suffer from…lack of faith…”

“Lack of faith in God?”

“Oh, no, no, I dare not even think of that, but life after [COVID-19]…this thought about a future life after [COVID-19]troubles me to the point of suffering, terror, and fright…It’s devastating, devastating!”

“No doubt it is devastating. One cannot prove anything here, but it is possible to be [confident].”

How? By what?”

“By the experience of active love. Try to love your neighbors actively and tirelessly. The more you succeed in loving, the more you’ll be convinced of the existence of God and the immortality of your soul. And if you reach complete selflessness in the love of your neighbor, then undoubtedly you will believe, and no doubt will even be able to enter you soul. This has been tested. It is certain.”

Quarantine Reflections – Nostalgia Part (3)

This post is the the third nostalgia post in the Quarantine Reflections series. You read the first two HERE and HERE.

My foray into nostalgia has been enlightening. Being largely ignorant of much that is going on in the younger generation’s everyday world, I was reminded by my millennial grandson of the popular and irreverent show “South Park” 20th season production based on nostalgia and its influence politics and culture. If you are not familiar with “‘member berries” he is a short clip from the show.

Seems like we may still be indulging in “‘member berries” .

Acquisitive Nostalgia

This post focuses on nostalgia and marketing. I would dare say there is no more ubiquitous presence of nostalgia than in the marketing arena. I believe nostalgia found in marketing is a separate category . In addition to restorative and reflective, I suggest adding “acquisitive nostalgia”. I define acquisitive nostalgia as: An amalgamation of restorative and reflective nostalgia impulses that promises fulfillment through acquisition.
Acquisitive nostalgia is the fool’s gold of a consumeristic culture, it is worth virtually nothing, but has an appearance that “fools” people into believing that it is gold. 
Acquisitive and restorative nostalgia are fueled by the illusion that the past can be recreated. Both have potential for dire consequences and both ultimately fail to deliver.

Acquisitive nostalgia is the more dangerous and predominates in our culture for two reasons, 1) consumers believe that life can fulfilled by possessions. 2) Most of us have the resources to acquire things we believe will bring fulfillment.

The marketing industry understands the power of nostalgia and cleverly presents products in a way that makes us believe they will satisfy our longings. It is important to remember, marketing industry is not just the stereotypical corporate ad agency, it is every person and organization that has a product to sell.

Consider some excerpts from a marketing newsletter on the value of nostalgia as a marketing strategy:

The past will always have more emotional appeal than the present. 

Marketing always leans on the warm memories of generations long past, with brand equity often built on historic credentials. Now, in our uncertain times, nostalgia- fuelled marketing is more popular than ever.

Nostalgic marketing taps into two consumer needs that overlap but are subtly different: a yearning for a time past and the fondness attached to personal childhood memories.

Our current political, social and economic landscape creates a perfect storm to whip up nostalgic fervour. Fears over terrorism, global warming and financial collapse, plus nuclear war once again, don’t exactly encourage people to look forward to the future. Instead, they retreat to the past.Brands that tap into this successfully can earn an emotional connection that is priceless.

Life was much better as a kid, right? No responsibilities. No troublesome bosses. No worries about paying the rent. It makes sense people want to revisit this nirvana. And, ironically, it’s the shiny, new(ish) internet that makes it easy to live in the past.

It’s worth pointing out … people only cherry pick the good stuff to remember and cherish. Childhood can be fraught with difficult experiences and previous generations were troubled with wars, poverty, terrorism, inequality and working conditions that make 2017 look heavenly. Marketers play to this and do what they always do: joyously focus on the positives and quietly downplay the negatives.

I feel as if I may have hit “the tar baby” (a difficult problem that is only aggravated by attempts to solve it) with nostalgia. I thought this post would conclude the Nostalgia segment of Quarantine Reflections, but, alas there appears to be another on the horizon. In addition to the graphics below, I will conclude this post with a summary of thoughts and questions that have arisen in the course of my encounter with nostalgia.

  • This exercise has deepen my appreciation for nostalgia and its therapeutic benefits, especially in this stressful time.
  • I think nostalgia is an important factor in maintaining emotional healthiness, particularly for senior adults, memories are precious. To demean or rob a person of their memories is cruel punishment. All will sing Precious memories, sooner or later.
  • Nostalgia is akin to other pleasurable human experiences i.e. …sex… eating, when they become an end rather than a means, their virtue is lost and they become a commodity to satisfy our consumeristic appetites.
  • The misuse/abuse of nostalgia in our culture is facilitated by a propensity to default to simplistic solutions to complex and difficult issues and circumstances, avoiding the hard work of self-awareness and discernment.
  • The power and peril of nostalgia cannot be understated, but because of its compelling nature, I’m not optimistic about any FDA ” nostalgia warnings” appearing on products anytime soon.
  • The only antidote for harmful nostalgia is wisdom, discernment and self-awareness.
    Questions I’m pondering:
  • Does Christianity get a pass on employing nostalgia to market the Gospel?
  • Related to the previous, Is remembrance, a foundation of Christian faith, nostalgia? If not, how is remembrance for Christians different and why?
  • Finally, I’m wondering how many think all this is just a tempest in a teapot?
    What do you think?

This one nearly got me. I had a Razr many years ago.Then I checked the price. Nostalgia does have its limits.
Although we may look like a big church, Clays Mill Baptist Church is a warm, friendly, family-oriented church. It is a church that preaches and teaches the old-time religion, sings the old-fashioned hymns of the faith, and believes only in the King James Bible.

Quarantine Reflections – Nostalgia (2)

When the world around us changes rapidly, and beyond recognition, it helps if we can hold on to something familiar. These days though, our world has become strange and unfamiliar and the landscape around us

Reading the quote above this morning, I was further convinced that nostalgia (reflective) is a readily available, cheap and effective balm in the midst of this pandemic and attendant social distancing. Not in an addictive way, but, perhaps more akin to a cup of coffee in the morning, only better. (Apologies to my non-coffee friends). I highly recommend both, nostalgia and coffee.

I digress, back to the business at hand. Picking up from Part (1). Perhaps you listened to Shaun Casey’ s lecture.If not, it is available here:

So the question is, why is Casey in such a twit about nostalgia? I took it a bit personally, since I count myself as one who thinks nostalgia is good thing. In fairness, I lifted his comments on nostalgia from a speech of which the subject is much broader than nostalgia. If he had used the term “restorative nostalgia” as previously defined, instead of simply nostalgia, I think that would have gone along way in clarifying and justifying his concern. (I could be helpful to re-read my citation of his remarks and insert restorative before nostalgia)

Nostalgia is powerful. Nostalgic moments produce feelings that are rarely replicated in other experiences. Unfortunately, it does not matter whether memory is manufactured, misbegotten or real, the emotional and motivational impact is the same. Given the pleasurable experience of nostalgia, available at no cost and little effort, there is little incentive to discriminate between good and harmful nostalgia. However, the consequences of indiscriminate nostalgic indulgence can be harmful, or, even catastrophic.

In Casey’s speech, he understands and rejects Evangelical Christianity’s response to the rage against violence and injustice in our society that is shaped by a restorative nostalgic ideal of “Traditional Christianity”. I think he contends correctly, such response has not and will not make our society healthier, much less more “Christian”.

It is a restorative nostalgic impulse fuels “Make America Great Again”. That same impulse motivated and sustained the Restoration movement of my religious heritage and countless other religious restoration movements, all …” pursuits of that which never was in the pursuit of addressing some perceived current malady.

Restorative nostalgia is a not a virtuous recollection of the past. Rather, it is an intellectually lazy and dishonest reliance on unreliable memory. It is naive and enables avoidance of daunting and complicated realities and the hard work necessary for solutions. It is enabled by our enlightenment ethos that believes whatever one perceives, is truth for them. Therefore, it is non-partisan, neither the left nor right’s “good ole days” hold the answer.; “Truth” cannot be compromised, gridlock prevails.

There is a temptation to ascribe restorative nostalgia to others and exempt ourselves.
Be careful, you may be a “restorative nostalgic” if: you are saying things like: “I wish we could just get back to the basics.” … “Just give me that old-time religion”…”We didn’t have these problems when ____” … “They just don’t make them like they used to,” et al.

I am not implying there are not valuable lessons to be learned and remembered from the past. We cannot recreate the past, neither can we ignore it. As one author observed, “Good” and “bad” nostalgia are defined by our expectations about what those memories can do for us.  It is not the past itself, but rather our attitude toward the past, that makes all the difference. Restorative nostalgia is based on unrealistic and /or irrational expectations and therefore will always disappoint.

I think I better understand why Shaun Casey was in such a twit over nostalgia. First, I owe him an apology for reducing his ardent passion to twit. What I am able see now is Casey’s outrage at people who, by virtue of their faith in Christ, bear responsibility to reflect His image in the world around them but choose restorative nostalgia rather than grappling with reality. Put simply, they spin fairy tales and proclaim them to be truth.

Nostalgia is analogous to opioids, and should be treated as a controlled substance. Administered in proper doses (reflective) it is a wonderful and powerful treatment that heals. Abuse of nostalgia (restorative) is additive and destructive. One is led to a false sense of reality that restrains healthy and productive lives. Unfortunately, the FDA does not recognize nostalgia as a controlled substance. Each of us can dispense it at will.

Hopefully, these posts have stimulated some thought about the value and peril of nostalgia. I plan on one final post which will address nostalgia and marketing. Thanks for reading