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Category: Things this old man thinks about

Things this old man thinks about – Ideograph

Recently introduced to ideograph, I’ve been giving them some thought. I am of the opinion understanding and awareness of ideographs can be helpful in navigating our rhetorically contentious culture. Here are some quotes and references to introduce ideograph:

An ideograph is a word or phrase with a vague definition which represents an ambiguous and vast set of ideas. This causes ideographs to be able to be used without sending a specific message while still appealing to pathos. In other words, when audiences encounter an ideograph, they aren’t usually affected by it because of its definition, but because of how the ideograph makes them feel. This means ideographs can be very useful for rhetoricians because of their ambiguity. Not only can they be used as substitutes for complex ideas, but since ideographs tend to have several different connotations attached to them, they have the potential to increase the effectiveness of a rhetorician’s pathos.

Since it’s election season, you’re probably reading a ton of stories about Politician X appealing to Voting Bloc Y with Z-ish rhetoric. Journalists, political strategists and even politicians themselves deliver much of this information in a kind of code — terms and phrases that show up only in coverage of politics. Here’s a guide to the election-speak — and a plea to move on from it.
The bias in the use of these terms isn’t the only problem with them. They are vague. Their meanings are not universally shared. They often obscure more than they explain (perhaps intentionally).
I suspect that lack of clarity is why some people like using these terms. Slamming wokeness allows people to oppose left-wing views on very fraught issues without spelling out their specific objections.
But if you’re a reporter or just a regular voter, you don’t have to speak in code. Say what you actually mean.

Four defining characteristics of ideographs; These include:1) they are ordinary language terms in political discourse;2) they are high order abstractions representing collective commitment; 3) they warrant the use of power, guiding inappropriate behavior into acceptable channels; and 4) they are culture bound.

McGee,Michael Calvin.“The‘Ideograph’:A Link Between Rhetoric and Ideology.”Quarterly Journal?of Speech?60:1(February 1980)

Ideographs are mostly associated with political rhetoric, both historically and currently. They are used in any rhetorical context where the goal is persuasion. As a tool of persuasion, ideographs avoid arduous and often painful work of intimate, meaningful communication. Perfectly suited to a culture characterized by ambiguity, relativity and utility, they have metastasized into most arenas of communication, religious, business, personal, et al; rhetorical critics use chevrons or angle brackets (<>) to mark off ideographs. Ideographs can positive and negative.
Interestingly, emojis and memes are digital surrogates for ideographs.

Emojis are ideographic; meaning that they represent ideas or concepts that are independent of a specific human language. Like road signs or warning notices at swimming pools or tourist locations, these attempt to communicate concepts that are language-neutral and can be understood by anyone.

Here are some ideographs used in political rhetoric:
* Liberty
* Freedom
* Justice
* Terrorism
* Rule of law
* Equality
* Progressive
Some religious rhetoric ideographs:
* Unity
* Faithfulness
* Love everyone
Ideographs in conversation:
Employing ideographs in conversations is not unlike TV ads for prescription drugs, beautiful, promising but vague. Perhaps the most used ideographic word is LOVE. Not to imply that using love is a bad thing, the point is that it has become an ideograph, as such, it is devoid of meaning “used without sending a specific message while still appealing to pathos” Casual expressions of love, though sweet (it’s nice to be nice), are meaningless, absent relational connection.

Ideographs are rhetorically effective, tapping into the ethos of an audience; they produce emotional allegiance without substance; catalyst for mob mentality.

In personal communication, ideographs can impede conversation. For example, injecting “unbiblical” or “unchristian” can shut down a conversation that otherwise has potential for understanding and deepening relationship. Christ followers, called to love neighbor can ill-afford the use of ideographs.

We might challenge one another to move away from inciting tweets and self-righteous rants and from a discourse rooted in the sharing of memes and surface level connection to joyful and meaningful conversations.

Holleman, Heather. The Six Conversations (pp. 15-16)

Much to think about, words matter.

Turbulence — Part 1

turbulence has long resisted detailed physical analysis, and the interactions within turbulence create a very complex phenomenon. Richard Feynman described turbulence as the most important unsolved problem in classical physics

Werner Heisenberg won the 1932 Nobel Prize for helping to found the field of quantum mechanics…the story goes that he once said that, if he were allowed to ask God two questions, they would be, “Why quantum mechanics? And why turbulence?” Supposedly, he was pretty sure God would be able to answer the first question.

Turbulence has been on my mind for several weeks. I was stimulated by a conversation with a good friend and scientist who challenged my thinking. Our conversation began with a question about climate change. His protracted response settled on the subject of turbulence, an important factor in establishing absolutes about climate change. He reiterated Freyman’s assertion “turbulence [is] the most important unsolved problem in classical physics“. A conclusion I was left with is… in the absence of a solution to turbulence, understanding and accurately predicting climate change will remain unresolved.

Google searches and definitions, not surprisingly, are dominated by references to aircraft turbulence. For this discussion, upheaval, i.e. disruption, is the way I am thinking about turbulence. Before recent conversations, I perceived turbulence as abnormal, a disruption of the normal state of things. To the contrary, scientist will tell you turbulence is a natural condition, thus the challenge is not preventing or eliminating turbulence but understanding and predicting its behavior.

Those who believe in science and those of us who believe in God share a common dilemma, turbulence. Scientist and, ironically, some God believers, rely on scientific methods for solutions; believing gathering enough information and crunching the data, mystery can be solved. In contrast God believers intuitively understand the inexplicableness of their existence and confess like Job: “Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.” Job 42:3 NIV

In this series of posts I am attempting to relate the physics problem of turbulence to the problem of turbulence of our lived experience. I believe they may be analogous in some important ways, hopefully understanding the dynamics of turbulence can help us navigate life. Scott M. Peck said: “Life is difficult. This is a great truth, one of the greatest truths. Turbulence isn’t just a science problem, it is common to humanity—perhaps the most important unsolved problem of life.

Both scientist and theist grapple with the mystery of turbulence, but they view it through different lens. Their views can be compared the difference between an ophthalmologist and a lover looking into an eye, they see very different realities. The ophthalmologist sees a physical object, the lover sees a window into the soul of their beloved.

Part 2 will examine the the physics of turbulence. (Turbulence for Dummies)

Still on the journey

A new (updated) heart

Some may be pleased to learn that my heart has a been updated. Over the last month or so, I had been experiencing low heart rates. Additionally, there was lethargy, some cognition problems (brain fog), lack of motivation and generally feeling out of sorts. I am sure my disposition was affected also (check with Ann). In recent days the low heart rate became more consistent (low 30’s) and I was feeling worse. As a result, Monday Ann drove me to the ER and to make the story short, I received a pacemaker Tuesday.

As I write this post, I am awaiting discharge. The implant experience was a breeze and the results are pretty amazing thus far. I was able receive a micro lead-less pacemaker, the implant was minimally invasive and provides easier recovery. Three days rest, no heavy lifting for a week. Best of all my heart rate is normal and consistent. I am definitely feeling better overall and hopefully that will continue to improve.

Whether or not the low heart rate accounts for all my symptoms remains to be seen. I suspect some effects remain from my medical trauma last August. No matter what, I am grateful for the pacemaker and the immediate improvements. Indeed my aging heart has been updated.

Thanks be to God, for answered prayers. I am thankful for the many messages and well wishes.

Will Rogers had it right: “One must wait until evening to see how splendid the day has been.
Right now, it’s pretty splendid.