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Category: Sexual Abuse in the Church

A Stained Beauty – Sexual Abuse and the Church- Opportunity

This week media has been flooded with news about Guidepost’s report of their investigation into Southern Baptist Convention’s response to allegation of sexual abuse, corruption and cover-up. Commissioned by the SBC, it was shocking. The full report can be read HERE. There were many articles in response, I found two particularly insightful. Russell Moore and David French.

At this point, I ask, were you aware of the Guidepost’s SBC report? If not, perhaps your attention was on other matters. This would be a good time to catch up. Hopefully, previous posts sensitized you to the subject and you have heard or read about it.

there are more allegations of child sexual abuse in Protestant congregations than there are in Catholic ones

The report is a defining event, not only for SBC, but all churches. Whether or not the SBC report has the attention of churches is yet to be determined, but I am certain people outside of the church are acutely aware and curious see how churches respond. We must not stumble like the Catholic Church has. What happens in the aftermath will determine whether observers see the Church as Stained or Beautiful. The credibility of our witness is in the dock.

Churches have no recourse but to respond. Silence is, in itself, a response, and will speak loudly.How we respond will reveal the true character of our institution.

Responding is a minefield. Leaders who choose to grab “the bull by the horns” or initiate a “sky is falling” narrative can create chaos in a church family, producing paranoia and suspicion, to no good end. Any response must begin with prayerful and honest self-examination. Transparency is of utmost importance. Action comes when we are convinced there is a problem.

It is time to abandon the myth that our churches are safe places and confess that we are as vulnerable and wounded as other communities. We must review the lens through which we perceive reality: our theology, language and practice.

For decades now, the church has been trained to believe that the greatest threat to it was external…when the reality is that it is internal…the rot in the SBC is just a picture of most “Christian” denominations and non-denoms…and it’s the tip of the iceberg… (Phoenix Preacher)

“For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin with God’s household. And if judgment begins with us, what terrible fate awaits those who have never obeyed God’s Good News?”??

1 Peter? ?4:17? ?NLT

“I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for pastors, church leaders, and church cultures to become trauma informed. Trauma is not something that happens “out there” to “those” people.” “Trauma is the mission field of our time.’”


What looks like a serious crisis may mark the moment of new life; what looks a sinister threat may in reality be a great opportunity.


The Body of Christ is beautiful; “when the church gets it right, she is beautiful. When the church gets it right—when we fulfill the intentions of our Lord Christ and His character is revealed through us—” (John Stumbo)

Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me,
All His wonderful passion and purity,
Oh, Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine,
Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me.”

Next: When the church gets it right…


A Stained Beauty – Sexual Abuse – The Invisible Gorilla

My previous post presented information on the presence and prevalence of sexual abuse in churches. It is well documented factual information is not very effective in countering opposing views. I am confident that most readers, like myself, have a positive bias for the church. Information contrary to any bias is most often rejected and perhaps that happened when you read the post. One intuitive defense when hearing factual negative information is : “That may be true, but I have never known of or witnessed anything like that in our church.”
In 1991 a controversy erupted over accusations of sexual abuse in fundamentalist churches reported in the Nashville Tennessean .

Predictably, the article created a firestorm of reactions. Serving as an elder and aware of the presence of sexual abuse in my own church, I was encouraged that someone was speaking out. My optimism was quickly extinguished when I read a guest editorial in “The Gospel Advocate” written by a prominent and respected evangelist in the Church of Christ. Rather than considering any possibility of misconduct he wrote:

Guy N Woods in his guest editorial, responding to: “The more conservative the church, the more more incest you have in families”.  wrote:
“I have preached, I think, in more places and for more congregations than any man living in the churches of Christ today. .. In no instance— not one— in all the meetings I have heard so much as a rumor of any active member of the church being accused of incest. The “family life minister’s” statements though distasteful and offensive, are so ludicrous and patently false that most thoughtful people on reading them will smile, shake their heads and dismiss the matter as unworthy of further consideration.” 

The Gospel Advocate – 1991

Numerous others echoed Wood’s sentiments. Participants cited in the article were excoriated, receiving personal and professional scorn. I was angry. What an idiot, did Woods think his casual interactions would reveal incest? How could an, otherwise, intelligent person be so blind? Time and experience have tempered me. I have come to better understand how Woods and others, including myself can be blind to the “obvious”.

Which brings me to “The Dancing Gorilla”. a famous study from 1975.

It will be helpful if you take the test HERE. Follow the instructions carefully.

…the Invisible Gorilla Test, This study, a revised version of earlier studies conducted by  Neisser and Becklen in 1975, asked subjects to watch a short video of two groups of people (wearing black and white T-shirts) passing a basketball around. The subjects are told either to count the passes made by one of the teams or to keep count of bounce passes vs. aerial passes. In different versions of the video a person walks through the scene carrying an umbrella (as discussed above) or wearing a full gorilla suit. After watching the video, the subjects are asked whether they noticed anything out of the ordinary taking place. In most groups, 50% of the subjects did not report seeing the gorilla (or the person with the umbrella). Failure to perceive the anomalies is attributed to failure to attend to it while engaged in the difficult task of counting passes of the ball. These results indicate that the relationship between what is in one’s visual field and perception is based much more on attention than was previously thought. –Wikipedia

Attention Blindness – where we can become so focused on an individual task that we become blinded to other important variables in our midst.

Bias, prejudice and other factors can mask the presence of sexual abuse, but I am suggesting that attention blindness is a significant reason for rejecting any suggestion of sexual abuse in the church. Watching the Invisible Gorilla video multiple times, I found that the gorilla was always invisible when I strictly adhered to instructions to count passes by the white shirted participants; otherwise the gorilla was always visible.

The opposite side of the attention blindness coin is inattention blindness.

I see the challenge of recognizing the presence and prevalence sexual abuse in the church as two-fold : 1) attention blindness and 2) inattention blindness.

Research on a phenomenon known as inattentional blindness suggests that unless we pay close attention, we can miss even the most conspicuous events.

This post primarily addresses inattention blindness, pointing out a reality to which attention needs to be drawn. My hope is that attention to the subject will produce conversations and concerns resulting in meaningful actions. Attention blindness is its own “stain” and will be the subject of subsequent posts.

In churches across this nation, children have said, “Someone touched me,” not even understanding what was done to them, and in response, law-abiding citizens of heaven have said, “This doesn’t happen in our church. It cannot be true because the accused person is so nice, and teaches Sunday school, and would never do anything like that.” Instead of facing the truth, they discredit and ignore. Why? Because acknowledging the truth will completely disrupt the system.
We often confuse the system of Christianity (Christendom) with Christ. But no so-called Christian system is truly God’s work unless it is full of truth and love. To tolerate sin, pretense, disease, crookedness, or deviation from the truth is to do something other than the work of God, no matter the words used to describe it.So how should we respond to systemic abuse? It begins with facing the truth. Consider what a healthy response to a physical symptom looks like. A person discovers a lump on their body; they can choose to ignore the lump or to take action to protect their physical system. When a response is driven by fear of what the lump might indicate and how disruptive or painful treatment might be, the person may hide the facts from themselves, denying the presence of the lump even though it could cost them their health or even their life. But if they face the truth and do what is necessary to address the symptoms, they can bring healing to their body.

Diane Langberg – Redeeming Power – Understanding Power and Abuse in the Church


A Stained Beauty – Sexual Abuse – Epidemic or Misinformation?

The previous post introduced what I believe is a stain on the beauty of the church —sexual abuse. I characterized sexual abuse as present and prevalent in the church. Understanding how that assertion is, at the very least, debatable and for many unacceptable disinformation; this post provides some information to support my conclusion.

Both my critique and Stunbo’s, are swimming upstream against an abstract and idealistic image of the church that prevails in western Christianity. An image disconnected from the Body of Christ but none the less sacred; highly resistant to question or critique, and protected at all costs. Understanding how those images differ is critical to addressing tsexual abuse in the church and will be examined in future posts.

I am aware exposing the presence of sexual abuse will not in itself create positive change… change requires examination of the theological and cultural reasons that enable abuse to thrive and victims to be ignored and/or diminished in churches. To begin that process, a painful look at factual information is necessary. That being said, what follows is an attempt to provide some credible evidence that sexual abuse has been and continues to be present and prevalent in the church—all churches.

Oh yeah, that’s the Catholic Church.
Non-Catholic Christians hearing stories of sexual abuse in the church are often inclined to respond with with sympathy assuming sexual abuse is a Catholic Church problem, offering thanks that their church is not like that. Echoing the rich man’s prayer, “Thank God, I’m not like…” we discount the possibility of a beam in our own eye.

I am of the opinion the Catholic Church scandal should have been a red flag for all churches. At the very least, their experience should be an opportunity for understanding the nature of sexual abuse in the church.
The depth an breath of sexual abuse as well as the coverup and corruption that accompanied is staggering.

In 2021, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) reported 4,228 child sexual abuse allegations. These allegations were filed by 3,924 abuse survivors from July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2020. The incidents involved more than 2,700 individual clergy members from across the country.

The Boston Globe’s series on Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church was the subject of an award winning film, “Spotlight.” If you have not seen the film, I highly recommend it.

Wikipedia provides an in-depth article that is more comprehensive and reaches worldwide. The information is difficult to read and produces an impulse to say— “that couldn’t happen in our church.”

Some critics have stated that the oversaturation of Church sex abuse stories has led to the perception that the Catholic Church is more rife with pedophilia than in reality. A The Wall Street Journal-NBC News poll found that 64 percent of those queried thought Catholic priests “frequently” abused children; however, there is no data that indicates that priests commit abuse more often than the general population of males.

That fact is not particularly comforting, but the following is more disturbing:

A report which Christian Ministry Resources (CMR) released in 2002 stated that contrary to popular opinion, there are more allegations of child sexual abuse in Protestant congregations than there are in Catholic ones, and that sexual violence is most often committed by volunteers rather than by priests. 

OH, NO! It’s not just the Catholic Church!

Church of Christ
My personal experience with sexual abuse in the church predates the Catholic Church scandal. In the early 90’s I learned a former preacher at our congregation was a sexual predator. In wake of that revelation and some coincidental events, the subject of sexual abuse in Churches of Christ became public. See:

Southern Baptist
20 years, 700 victims- Southern Baptist sexual abuse spreads as leaders resist reforms – Houston Chronicle 
…since 1998, roughly 380 Southern Baptist church leaders and volunteers have faced allegations of sexual misconduct, the newspapers found. That includes those who were convicted, credibly accused and successfully sued, and those who confessed or resigned. More of them worked in Texas than in any other state.
They left behind more than 700 victims, many of them shunned by their churches, left to themselves to rebuild their lives. Some were urged to forgive their abusers or to get abortions.
About 220 offenders have been convicted or took plea deals, and dozens of cases are pending. They were pastors. Ministers. Youth pastors. Sunday school teachers. Deacons. Church volunteers.
Read the entire Houston Chronicle Series HERE

Christian and Missionary Alliance
Ravi Zacharias was best known for the apologetics ministry that bears his name, but he spent his 46-year career licensed as a national evangelist with the Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA). The denomination has now revoked the ordination of its highest-profile minister after its own limited investigation confirmed a “pattern of predatory behavior.”
Lori Anne Thompson, a victim of Zacharias has a website devoted to the problem of sexual abuse in the church and is a helpful resource.


So many Christian churches in the United States do so much good — nourishing the soul, comforting the sick, providing services, counseling congregants, teaching Jesus’s example, and even working to fight sexual abuse and harassment. But like in any community of faith, there is also sin — often silenced, ignored and denied — and it is much more common than many want to believe. It has often led to failures by evangelicals to report sexual abuse, respond appropriately to victims and change the institutional cultures that enabled the abuse in the first place.
The Epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical Church- The Washington Post

I am not aware of any church exempt from the problem of sexual abuse. What is presented is only a small sample of information available about sexual abuse in the church. If you have taken the time to dive deeper, I am sure it has been overwhelming and discouraging, all the more reason the problem must be acknowledged and addressed. What is needed is individual and institutional courage, a courage Lori Anne Thompson describes as as rare as sexual abuse is ubiquitous. Clergy Sexual Abuse as a Betrayal Trauma: Institutional Betrayal & a Call for Courageous Response

“It is isolating and heartbreaking to sit in a church service where sexual abuse is being minimized,” Denhollander says. “The damage done [by abuse] is so deep and so devastating, and a survivor so desperately needs refuge and security. The question an abuse survivor is asking is ‘Am I safe?’ and ‘Do I matter?’ And when those in authority mishandle this conversation, it sends a message of no to both questions.”

The Epidemic of denial about sexual abuse in the evangelical Church- The Washington Post

Yes, there is an epidemic. (No masks required, just remove the blinders)