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Category: A Word or Two

Guest posts by Steve Elliott

A Word or Two

a guest post by Steve Elliott

Matthew 5:3-11 NIV

We have saying in our house: you don’t get the life you find, you get the life you build. And if you are a follower of Jesus, you are under construction to be built to resemble him, to respond like him, and to be in this world as He was: fully present to this world’s brokenness and neediness, offering this world His love and compassion. He is no longer here physically to do that but we are. And as His Kingdom people, we are meant to be Kingdom salt and Kingdom light to this world. And what that looks like is found in Matthew 5 and the Beatitudes.

But we need to aware that the Beatitudes are descriptive not legislative … they are be-attitudes not be-haviors. Our ethics come from who we really are not who we try to be. Jesus is saying this is what “gospelized or kingdomized” humanity looks like. So if you bump a Christian Matthew 5 is what spills out of them. These are eight qualities of the same person not eight different options on a divine menu.

So these are not the rules we keep. They are the colors a Christian bleeds if you cut them. And it’s not about being perfectly complete in each one … as if you scored 10 out of 10 on each one. Nor is this about your salvation being at risk if you are behind on #3 or #6. It’s about the direction your life is headed. It’s about making forward progress in our spiritual growth and formation … leaving us with the question: “are you and I growing forward in our Kingdom life, not being perfect, but moving in the direction of Christ-likeness?

A Word or Two

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is about 2,000 words. If you have the time it takes about 6.5 minutes to read. And then it takes about a life time to fully digest. Taken together, these words turn this world on its head. If you don’t believe that, read them. And if you want your world to really change, live them.

‘The world’ as the Bible describes it, is life organized without reference to God. And that world, that life, is ready to eat you up and spit you out … or use you up and discard you like a Styrofoam coffee cup. It is a ‘world’ has no moral conscience beyond convenience, no compassionate center of gravity beyond expedience, no redemptive compass beyond utility.  Why? Because it’s life organized without reference to God.

So it is no surprise that given this kind of cultural ethos, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount calls us to cultural atheism: to not believe in the gods of this culture … to stop believing that they will somehow, ultimately bring us happiness or fulfillment or satisfaction…the small ‘g’ gods like politics or money, status or wealth, appearance or celebrity. Could that be wrong? Ask a broken heart. Ask a lost relationship that is never coming back. Ask loneliness or rejection or betrayal. The small ‘g’ gods have no answers for these. Instead, Jesus calls us to a new life in His Km where the dynamics of everyday life are as distinct and different from those of this world as a Caribbean cruise is from floating on a log down the Ohio River.

2,000 words. 6.5 minutes. Do we have the time? Maybe we need to make the time.