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Month: December 2010

Happy Birthday #1 Son

Our first born, Joe Carter Ezell, is celebrating his 48th birthday today. Carter is wearing the red cap in the picture above. Congratulations and best wishes for this day and the years to come. I am pleased and honored that you are my son. I love you.

the Jesus Way

I both appreciate and am challenged by this quote from Eugene Peterson which was cited in a blog post I read this morning:

. . . Do we do it in Jesus’ way or do we do it the Wal-Mart way? Spirituality is not about ends or benefits or things; it’s about means. It’s about how you do this. How do you live in reality?

So, how do you help all these people? The needs are huge. Well, you do it the way Jesus did it. You do it one at a time. You can’t do gospel work, kingdom work in an impersonal way.

We live in the Trinity. Everything we do has to be in the context of the Trinity, which means personally, relationally. The minute you start doing things impersonally, functionally, mass oriented, you deny the gospel. Yet that’s all we do.

Big Day

Today is a special day. Wilmore is having “Christmas on Main”, Meredith is dancing in a Holiday Revue and The Nutcracker. We a have a beautiful snow that us blanketing everything. Auburn is playing for the SEC football championship and a berth in the BCS championship game.  Kentucky is playing North Carolina. But all of that pales into insignificance because today is son Clark’s 47th birthday.

Happy Birthday! Clark.