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Month: July 2007

Happy Birthday Kyle


Today is Kyle Robert Gabehart’s 11th birthday. He is the second child of Melissa and Byron. He is a fun loving kid who is growing up fast. He has a serious side and is good thinker. I am proud that he is my grandson. I am looking forward to celebrating his birthday with the family while we are in Florida. Congratulations KYLE!

Marksman in the Making


dsc07823.JPGWe traveled to Wilmore with Clark and Vanessa to take a dining table and chairs to the Crocketts. We had a nice visit. Daniel, Jerod, Clark and I went to shoot an antique German army sidearm at a local range. I have not done much shooting but I made a decent showing. Jerod was a little reluctant to shoot but he stepped up and did very well. He certainly was better than his Papa. Daniel is quite knowledgable about guns and is a good shooter. Clark is also.

Besides a nice visit over dinner at Panera Bread, we were able to take in the latest tourist attraction in Wilmore. I will not take the time to relate the story behind it but will leave it to your imagination. 
