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Life Lessons

I am learning a lot of life lessons. That is good news. It is troubling how long it has taken for me to begin to get it. Recently, I have begun to gain some much needed wisdom; namely, the ability hear and discern between statements and questions. Now this is not about knowing proper punctuation and sentence structure. It is about the ability to instantly discern and respond properly in the course of everyday conversations. Let me illustrate.

I’m getting ready to leave the house to run an errand or such. Ann says, “Are you wearing that shirt”? For most of my married life, what I heard was a question? No problem, my response, “Yes”. With my newly gained wisdom, I now understand that what I heard as a questions was in fact a statement. Accordingly, I go and change my shirt. I highly recommend that all husbands, especially those who are in the early years of their marriages, strive to cultivate this very valuable wisdom. It is not easy but the benefits are worth it.

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