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Takeaway (con’t)

The second book I recently read is God Work by Randy Harris. Randy has been a favorite speaker of mine for many years. I found his 7 question test designed to assess progress toward becoming a fully devoted disciple of Christ particularly helpful and challenging.

Number 1 – “How has my life been simplified?”

Number 2 – “Who are the people from whom I get nothing and who have come into my home lately?”

Number 3 – “For what and whom do I pray?”

Number 4 – “How has my speech been affected?”

Number 5 – “How are you doing with your desires?”

Number 6 – “What’s happened to my relationships?”

Number 7 – “Have I become increasingly indifferent to circumstances?”

Even without commentary the questions are worthy. But, Randy’s unique and thoughtful commentary on each sharpens their focus and cuts to the heart of the matter.